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Vietnam cruise and transfers Getting to and around Vietnam
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Customized Vietnam Itineraries

Benefit from our local expertise with personalized services for your Vietnam trip! Here’s what you can expect:

Experienced, multinational expert team

Cost clarity: no hidden charges or unpleasant surprises

Fully customized, innovative travel experiences

24/7 support while traveling

10 Best Recommended Cruises in Halong Bay 2023

See our top-recommended cruises for your wonderful Cruise excursion in Halong Bay, ranging in price from cheap to luxurious. Pick the best cruise and take advantage of Indo-Pacific Travel’s big discounts for all early reservations!

Halong Bay All-Inclusive Luxury Cruise 2023

Keep Your Plans Flexible. Reserve Your Activity Now & Pay Later. Quick & Easy Purchase with Flexibility to Cancel up to 24 Hours Before the Tours Starts.

 Amazing Regions for Viet nam Tours

Explore all the regions of  Vietnam and find tours in each destination

Best Hotels in Vietnam from Your Favourite Sites. Find Your Perfect Hotel Fast!

Book your Dream Holidays and Don’t pay more for the Same Room

“We like to encourage travelers to adopt mindful behaviour and practice slow travel. This concept allows us to fully enjoy and get to know a country. It also gives us enough time to interact with local people. Because what we care about most at INDO-PACIFIC is connecting travelers with remote communities to support the families living there and foster cultural exchange. Read on below to find out how we do this!”


Hello Ms Nguyen,I do hope all is well with you and your family.I am now back in New York and just wanted to thank you so very for all you...

Brigitte Grouwels
Ministre de transport du Wallonie Bruxelles

Hello Ms Nguyen,I do hope all is well with you and your family.I am now back in New York and just wanted to thank you so very for all you...

Edwige de Bethencourt et Raymond Leitenberg
Directeur d' HORLYNE

Hello Ms Nguyen,I do hope all is well with you and your family.I am now back in New York and just wanted to thank you so very for all you...

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